On Wednesday 29 October 2008 21:56:14 Kevin Duffy wrote:
> Gentlemen:
> Thanks so much for your assistance.
> This returns 512 rows.
> select * from tmp_index_member tim
>   where tim.ISIN  NOT IN 
>   (select ISIN from security sec 
>      where  ISIN is NOT NULL and
>        securitytypekey IS NOT NULL and  securitytypekey NOT IN ( 5,27) )
> Can someone explain why the NULL ISINs in Security is causing 
> so much grief?  I do not get it.

Sure. BTW; I ment "IS NULL OR securitytypekey NOT IN (5,27)".
Remember that "WHERE col NOT IN (<list>)" doesn't match NULL-values for "col", 
so these will both return "false" for NULL-value of "col":

WHERE col NOT IN (2,3)
WHERE col = 2

The reason is that NULL is "unknown", so testing against it also returns 

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