Klas Stockhem wrote:
> Does the php engine interpret the big P like a small one?

It's not PHP, but PostgreSQL itself. All names in PostgreSQL are case insensitive unless you double-quote them. PostgreSQL actually translates everything to lower-case internally.

CREATE TABLE1 ...;    -- gives "table1"
CREATE "TABLE2" ...;  -- gives "TABLE2"

SELECT * FROM table1   -- works
SELECT * FROM TABLE1   -- works
SELECT * FROM TaBlE1   -- works
SELECT * FROM "table1" -- works
SELECT * FROM "TABLE1" -- FAILS, actually "table1"
SELECT * FROM table2   -- FAILS, looks for "table2"
SELECT * FROM TABLE2   -- FAILS, still looking for "table2"
SELECT * FROM "TABLE2" -- works

So - if you double-quote a table-name (or function or schema name) when you create it, you should always double-quote it when using it. I'm guessing something added double-quotes for you when you created the schema.

> Is it recommended to always have small letters in schema names?

Personally, I do. I think it looks neater.

> How do I make so I not must type the schema name in every sql query?
> The best would be if I just can type the table name.

There is a variable called "search_path" which controls what schemas are checked for tables, functions etc. If you have two tables with the same name but different schemas you'll need to use the <schema>.<table> format though.

SET search_path = public2,public;
ALTER USER myuser SET search_path = ...
ALTER DATABASE mydb SET search_path = ...

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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