> The data in the dump file are structured and I want to execute this
 > automatically (copy+paste it) in the EMS software.
 > I still get the syntax error even if I use the command you send me:
 > COPY artikkel (id, tittel, tekst) FROM stdin; 1<tab>Title
 > text \.

Why not just load the dump file into PostgreSQL? Why are you trying to 
copy+paste if you want the entire dump?

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

I have tried to load the dump file also but get same error.

I have check the sql dump file in Ultra editor 32 where you can see the
hex value of each character in the file I see the both the original dump
file and my copy+paste text contain a tab (hex value 09).

Note that I have "CREATE TABLE" script in the dump file and this was
executed good in the server. This was copy+pasted also.

Maybe you can send me an create table script and one row of a copy
command and I can execute this and see if it works?


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