On Friday, December 16, 2011 3:56:48 am John Fabiani wrote:
> I have solved my problem.  But this still does not explain the idea of
> "from"????

From original query:
..(function_name(303, week_date::date)) as week_date where week_date..

Reason why that did not work:
An output column's name can be used to refer to the column's value in ORDER BY 
and GROUP BY clauses, but not in the WHERE or HAVING clauses; there you must 
write out the expression instead.

Why the below does work:
"The SELECT list (between the key words SELECT and FROM) specifies expressions 
that form the output rows of the SELECT statement. The expressions can (and 
usually do) refer to columns computed in the FROM clause"

FROM Clause

    A sub-SELECT can appear in the FROM clause. This acts as though its output 
were created as a temporary table for the duration of this single SELECT 
command. Note that the sub-SELECT must be surrounded by parentheses, and an 
alias must be provided for it. A VALUES command can also be used here.

> select foo.week_date, xchromasun._chromasun_getqtyordered(303,
> foo.week_date) as week_qty from
>  (select ((date_trunc('week', '2011-11-20'::date )::date) + (i+6)) as
> week_date from generate_series(0,84,7)
>  i ) as foo
> The above works!
> Johnf

Adrian Klaver

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