Like I say, _in this case_ just implement a common method that
everything speaks.

And if you follow that all the time you get crazy nonsense spamming
all your objects.

Or you can say "if this thing's like a Stream, do this; if it's like a
Collection, do that". And in that case, basing that decision on
inheritance is a fail.

As always, it's a matter of judgement & taste.


On 14 May 2013 21:27, stephane ducasse <> wrote:
> why do we want to introduce a bad slow type system on certain single place?
> Why a UI element would have to check that a given instance can do something
> while we never ever do it in any other places.
> if we have a button and its label should be able to answer the message enabled
> then we display the button and send the message enabled.
> If it crashes then this is the programmer' fault. He should provide an object 
> that responds
> to enabled but we do not test it.
> And we should have nice polymorphic objects and not string and nil and color
> why not array with hexa decimal colors?
> Being reasonable programmers and not kids wanted to plug anything anyhow
> is the way to build nice system (and polymorphic objects).
> Stef
>> On 14 May 2013 16:21, Stéphane Ducasse <> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I'm in favor killing all the respondsTo:
>>> acceptTextMorphs
>>>        "Accept any text morphs except for those that have no edits."
>>>        self allMorphs do: [:p |
>>>                ((p respondsTo: #accept) and: [
>>>                        (p respondsTo: #hasUnacceptedEdits) and: [
>>>                                p hasUnacceptedEdits]]) ifTrue: [p accept]]
>> They're a step up from #isKindOf:. It looks like you need is something
>> that says "does this object respond to a particular set of messages
>> (i.e., a Protocol)?". (No, Nicolas, I don't mean a message category!
>> :) )
>> But in this particular case the solution looks like making a
>> #insertADecentNameHere that particular classes of things can implement
>> as "^ self hasUnacceptedEdits ifTrue: [self accept]"
>> frank

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