On 2 June 2013 14:13, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi igor
> after our discussions about the fact that we should not use weak with block, 
> I checked and
> WeakSubscriptionBuilder>>on: anAnnouncementClass do: aValuable
>         ^ self subscribe: anAnnouncementClass do: aValuable
> Does not look like raising error.
so we need to change it to throw error.

(by making  dirty patch in subscribe: anAnnouncementClass do: aValuable ,
testing if valuable is block)


it is strange.. i remember we wrote code which were throwing error..
Even class comment says it:

I am a wrapper around an Announcer, used to create weak subscriptions
at subscription time.

Use me like this:

anAnnouncer weak subscribe: Announcement send: #foo to: barObject.

I raise an error for block subscriptions, as they require non-existing
Ephemeron support to function correctly.

> Stef

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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