On 18 juin 2013, at 13:09, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:

> I do not like it :)
I understand that (especially from a conservative who doesn't even like colors 
;D ).

> also, you already have #in:
> which is more generic and allows simplifications:
> <my complex expression> in: [ :blah | 
>       blah = myTest 
>               ifTrue: [ blah some  ] ] 
>               ifFalse:  [ blah other  ] ]
> and also the advantage is that you are not restricted to #ifTrue:ifFalse:

Yes I love #in: , that was my inspiration. 
if:do:, if:do:elseDo: and while:do: would just be a bit of sugar to use 
sparingly just like in:.

> Esteban
> On Jun 18, 2013, at 1:05 PM, Goubier Thierry <thierry.goub...@cea.fr> wrote:
>> Le 18/06/2013 12:27, Camille Teruel a écrit :
>>> On 18 juin 2013, at 11:20, Goubier Thierry wrote:
>>>> Hi Camille,
>>>> It's not bad as things goes, because it does look a bit like
>>>> non-smalltalk code (i.e. the if then else structure) except that the
>>>> precise meaning is very much Smalltalk :
>>> Ok the name may be confusing.
>>> So if you rename it to something like #if:do:elseDo:, it would be more
>>> smalltalkish and there is no confusion with classical if-then-else.
>> Maybe, that would help.
>>>> if: has a receiver, and there is a not so intuitive relationship
>>>> between the bloc parameters and the receiver.
>>> Talking to an arbitrary object is the goal, since booleans are not very
>>> talkative kind of object.
>>> Compare
>>> | temp |
>>> temp := <complexExpression>
>>> temp isNil ifTrue: [...] ifFalse: [...  temp ...]
>>> with:
>>> <complexExpression> ifNil: [ ... ] ifNotNil: [ :obj | ... obj ...]
>>> ifNil:ifNotNil: is not better only because it is shorter, it is better
>>> because I am talking to the object I am auditing, not a stupid boolean
>>> that knows nothing else but its truth value.
>> Yes, but I know firsthand (because I used Smalltalk before that idiom was 
>> introduced) that it represent one more idiom to learn, and it's still not 
>> familiar.
>> The same goes with withStreamDo: or what is that idiom again I sometimes 
>> encounter.
>>>> Honestly, as far as code reviews goes, I'll prefer the temp
>>>> refactoring. Understandable without having to search for the
>>>> implementors of #if:then:else:
>>> I know this would break a long time tradition and people may not like
>>> it, so that's a question of taste and style, not understandability.
>>> There would be only one implementor, the implementation is really simple
>>> and the selector is explicit.
>>> Anyone can get use to it in less than 2 min.
>> It's one more thing to get used to and to explain to beginners in say 10 
>> minutes per idiom... (describe, give an example, let them practice, rinse 
>> and repeat for each idiom).
>> Add all the new idioms and, instead of explaining Smalltalk in half a day, 
>> you spend a few days doing explaining all those idioms and not doing more 
>> interesting stuff.
>> Soon, you end up like ocaml, where your minimum introduction time is a week, 
>> not half a day.
>>> Do everyone verify the implementors of do: , collect: , ifTrue:ifFalse:
>>> ,... every time?
>>> No because people learned what they do when they learned Smalltalk, and
>>> I'm sure it didn't get them more than a few minutes.
>> Yes, but add the ifNil: ifNotNil:, stream thingies I never remember, your 
>> variant of if-else, and, and ... On some of those, I have to look for the 
>> implementors, and I'm really happy to benefit from the smart suggestions in 
>> the new browsers. (Additionally, code patterns using cull: in pharo more 
>> often than not are very poorly documented about the arguments that are given 
>> to the block).
>> Smalltalk is disruptive enough as it is (and still is after all those years) 
>> to try not to make it more complex. I'd prefer efforts making obvious really 
>> complex patterns instead of idioms with a not so great cognitive load to 
>> effectiveness.
>> I'd be happy to have a shorter list of methods and extensions on Object, as 
>> well :)
>> Thierry
>> -- 
>> Thierry Goubier
>> CEA list
>> Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
>> 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
>> France
>> Phone/Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 08 32 92 / 83 95

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