Le 18/06/2013 13:41, Frank Shearar a écrit :
On 18 June 2013 12:35, Goubier Thierry <thierry.goub...@cea.fr> wrote:

Le 18/06/2013 13:09, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :

I do not like it :)

also, you already have #in:
which is more generic and allows simplifications:

<my complex expression> in: [ :blah |
         blah = myTest
                 ifTrue: [ blah some  ] ]
                 ifFalse:  [ blah other  ] ]

This is cool :) Didn't knew about this one.

It's a lot like `let` in other languages (Haskell, the Lisps, and so on).

Yes, of course, but I was nicely surprised to see it here :)

Could we use do: in the same way ? Because in: is in a way the same as

{<my complex expression>} do: [ :blah |

         blah = myTest
                 ifTrue: [ blah some  ]
                 ifFalse:  [ blah other  ] ]

With a different return value.

No: #do: signals that you're doing something entirely for a side
effect. But if you said `{<my complex expression} collect: [:blah |
...]` then I'd agree with you.

Yes. I'd even use`({<my complex expression>} collect: [:blah |
> ...]) first` just to be sure !

Thierry Goubier
CEA list
Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
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