Le 19/06/2013 17:01, Christophe Demarey a écrit :

Le 19 juin 2013 à 16:36, Goubier Thierry a écrit :

By the way, why the change in
MonticelloFileTree-Core-ChristopheDemarey.97 breaks Pharo 2.0 ?

Because this change comes from the FileTree branch used fro Pharo3 [1].
This small change avoid to use a deprecated method in Pharo3.
It should not be used in Pharo2.


Thanks. It's just that the latest filetree-core-pharo20 package has MonticelloFileTree-Core-ChristopheDemarey.97 as ancestor :)

Probably me messing a merge in my filetree fork. I'm supposed to branch from the pharo20 branch, and I can see your version as well...

Thierry Goubier
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