On 2013-10-30, at 21:15, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:

> On 30 Oct 2013, at 20:09, Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I’m not looking for simplicity, I’m looking for a good final product. 
>>>>> ePub shouldn’t be simpler, it’s just made for eBooks. 
>>>>> On the other hand there are editors with WYSIWYG support 
>>>>> like:http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-K2Q-tdVbPRI/UI08v7LhzHI/AAAAAAAAABY/vZ5LHjM6nb4/s1600/Screen+Shot+2012-10-28+at+10.07.03+AM.png
>>>>> And of course there is iBooks Author that I mentioned.
>>>>> I’m not trying to convince, I’m just trying to understand why development 
>>>>> of a new syntax is better the reusing/extending existing one. Or why we 
>>>>> can’t use epub + sigil for example.
>>>> I personally *love* Markdown, it is very easy/productive to write 
>>>> documentation in.
>>>> But,
>>>> - there are different, competing and conflicting Markdown variants
>>>> - there is no official specification (OK, daring fireball, but he refuses 
>>>> to work with github, stack exchange)
>>>> - there is no formal syntax specification, nowhere
>>>> - it is very hard to write a parser, it is too loosely specified
>>>> Pier syntax is not new, it is probably older than Markdown.
>>>> As far as I am concerned, the most prolific/active authors get to decide, 
>>>> it is a simple as that.
>>>> I am just hoping that their standalone parser and document model is high 
>>>> quality ;-)
>>> I have nothing against pier syntax. But imagine person coming from outside, 
>>> who used markdown to ask questions on stack overflow and write readmes on 
>>> github, and here he has to use a different syntax for the same purpose. 
>>> Just a thought about bringing new people into a community :)
>> I agree with you 100%... plus I use markdown for webdoc => 
>> http://files.pharo.org/doc/2.0/
> But do you agree on my list of technical problems with Markdown ?
> I once tried to write a Markdown parser myself and I gave up and you admit 
> that you don’t get yours in full order, so...
> And even if you did get it more or less right, you would get conflicting 
> feature requests.

Sadly yes. We spent quite some time with Damien Pollet to get a better version, 
we ended up with a 2-pass approach to first detect blocks an then do the span 
analysis. This way you get quite far, but still, it is not very well defined.

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