Well were are the books you wrote with this wonderful format?
The only guy I can consider is sven. Why because he is writing real 
Now I'm confident that sevn could write in pier syntax because this is really 
close to markdown.
What is missing is the immediate rendering of pier syntax as in the 
collabactive book.


On Oct 30, 2013, at 8:09 PM, Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>> I’m not looking for simplicity, I’m looking for a good final product. ePub 
>>>> shouldn’t be simpler, it’s just made for eBooks. 
>>>> On the other hand there are editors with WYSIWYG support 
>>>> like:http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-K2Q-tdVbPRI/UI08v7LhzHI/AAAAAAAAABY/vZ5LHjM6nb4/s1600/Screen+Shot+2012-10-28+at+10.07.03+AM.png
>>>> And of course there is iBooks Author that I mentioned.
>>>> I’m not trying to convince, I’m just trying to understand why development 
>>>> of a new syntax is better the reusing/extending existing one. Or why we 
>>>> can’t use epub + sigil for example.
>>> I personally *love* Markdown, it is very easy/productive to write 
>>> documentation in.
>>> But,
>>> - there are different, competing and conflicting Markdown variants
>>> - there is no official specification (OK, daring fireball, but he refuses 
>>> to work with github, stack exchange)
>>> - there is no formal syntax specification, nowhere
>>> - it is very hard to write a parser, it is too loosely specified
>>> Pier syntax is not new, it is probably older than Markdown.
>>> As far as I am concerned, the most prolific/active authors get to decide, 
>>> it is a simple as that.
>>> I am just hoping that their standalone parser and document model is high 
>>> quality ;-)
>> I have nothing against pier syntax. But imagine person coming from outside, 
>> who used markdown to ask questions on stack overflow and write readmes on 
>> github, and here he has to use a different syntax for the same purpose. Just 
>> a thought about bringing new people into a community :)
> I agree with you 100%... plus I use markdown for webdoc => 
> http://files.pharo.org/doc/2.0/

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