>> markdown misses a lot of features we need to write a book as you
>> highlight in your next point. So I don't understand your question :-)
> If you want to write a comment and display it in Amber I don’t see why people 
> have to learn a new markup language when there is markdown.

Because you learn markdown first but pier syntax predates it. and because like 
that we have one syntax for everything.
Did you notice that the seaside book was fully written with this syntax and it 

> I’m not looking for simplicity, I’m looking for a good final product. ePub 
> shouldn’t be simpler, it’s just made for eBooks. 
> On the other hand there are editors with WYSIWYG support like: 
> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-K2Q-tdVbPRI/UI08v7LhzHI/AAAAAAAAABY/vZ5LHjM6nb4/s1600/Screen+Shot+2012-10-28+at+10.07.03+AM.png
> And of course there is iBooks Author that I mentioned.
> I’m not trying to convince, I’m just trying to understand why development of 
> a new syntax is better the reusing/extending existing one. Or why we can’t 
> use epub + sigil for example.

We have this neutral syntax that proved to work for real and we have exporters 
and with a bit of work we will be able to 
generate all the formats we want.

So if you need epub, add a visitor and all the chapters I'm writing will be in 
epub too.
But I will not work with a syntax that does not let me write book, html, ….
Why because this is my time.


> Cheers.
> Uko
>> -- 
>> Damien Cassou
>> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
>> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
>> losing enthusiasm."
>> Winston Churchill

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