The problem is that control version system just save text not text and meta data
because a package could have a class definition + in our case a instance 
variable addition object

Now we just save text so this is why we are in trouble. Again this is a 
text-oriented diff way of the world
and this is poor.


> On 31 October 2013 08:25, Tudor Girba <> wrote:
> I completely disagree with this point of view :).
> We should assume an open world, not a close one. From this point of view, any 
> part of the system should be extensible by anyone. In most other languages I 
> know, it is not even possible to extend easily a class with new 
> functionality. In Pharo we can, and we know it is a powerful mechanism. It is 
> not the responsibility of the base class to know what extensions are out 
> there and protect against them. Just like with subclassing, It is in the 
> responsibility of the extender.
> We should be able to do the same with state as well. Without this mechanism, 
> we are forced to put in place clunky dictionary-based mechanism to support 
> state extension. Essentially, any white-box framework does that. For example, 
> Morphic does that, FAMIX and Roassal do that, too (and yes, this is not a bad 
> thing).
> We need this mechanism in the environment, and if I understand Slots 
> correctly, now we have first class support for it. This also means that 
> overrides will be easier to deal with, too. Of course, overrides can induce 
> headaches from time to time, but we should treat these headaches with proper 
> tools, not by forbidding the world to extend.
> And if we are at it, we should also be able to extend a class with Traits, 
> too.
> it is doable, and easily, as others saying nothing prevents you from
> saying
> SomeClass addInstvarNames: 'foo'
> but the problems in not extending per se, but how you manage it at source 
> level?
> Like you said, we now having slots.. so
> then how you think a class definition may look like if some class has 
> extension slots
> defined by other package?
> Object subclass: #Point
> slots: {
>   x, y -> Kernel-Classes
>   z -> ThirdPartyRandomExtensionPackage
>   z -> SecondThirdPartyRandomExtensionPackage
>   z -> ThirdThirdPartyRandomExtensionPackage
> }
> i am not against being open.
> i am against being open to opening can of worms ;)
> (Apart from completely inadequate proportion between effort to implement such 
> feature and supporting it in many tools (MC etc) comparing to the 
> actual/current need of having it).
> Clearly, there is no limits in complexity where we can go in attempt to
> describe our systems with metadata up to tiniest level of detail.
> Except from some real-world ones:
>  - implementation effort
>  - ease of learn & use 
>  - and at last.. sanity :)
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 10:54 PM, Camillo Bruni <> 
> wrote:
> On 2013-10-30, at 22:36, Igor Stasenko <> wrote:
> > I don't think there's something to fix.
> > You cannot 'extend' classes belonging to other package in any other way
> > than adding extension methods.
> > Allowing extension of ivars or any other vars by foreign package
> > is road to nowhere.
> >
> > I would not like if shape of my kernel classes depends on what packages i 
> > load
> > or in what order i loaded them.
> > To me it is clear that if one needs to add/remove/modify instance variables
> > of some class, those changes should belong to the package containing that 
> > class,
> > not some random package.
> Exactly, it would cause the same problem as we have with overrides in 
> monticello
> -- 
> "Every thing has its own flow"
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

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