What is the total size of the package-cache, like du -hs ?
Could it be the same size of the difference in image size ?
That would mean that the contents of the packages themselves is cached in the 

On 11 Nov 2013, at 10:39, p...@highoctane.be wrote:

> I am experiencing the following while loading my configuration.
> REPO=http://www.smalltalkhub.com/mc/philippeback/HOWebStack/main
> ./pharo Pharo.image config $REPO ConfigurationOfHOWebStack --install=0.4
> Everything loads fine. 
> But:
> with a package-cache/ empty, the final image is: 44.452.060 with a changes 
> file of: 10.831.877
> with a primed package-cache (meaning, letting the mczs in place and starting 
> with a fresh image), the final image is: 29.480.912 with a changes file of: 
> 10.830.899
> That's quite a huge difference.
> I tried again to be sure (fresh image and empty package-cache, then fresh 
> image only) and, weirdly enough, even if the difference in size was the same, 
> the sizes themselves weren't.the same...
> 44.446.152 - 10.830.899
> 29.986.284 - 10.831.543
> Maybe that's due to a GC occurring differently between the two.
> But this gives the impression that one cannot load a base image, apply a 
> configuration, and end up with the same image twice. Weird.
> Why is this difference so large in the first place ?
> Phil

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