On Nov 16, 2013, at 6:25 PM, Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kube...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> El 16-11-2013, a las 14:15, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> 
> escribió:
>>> We tried this in the past, and it ends up that being able to type directly 
>>> works smoother :)
>> ben we want both: type selection + enter AND filter
>> Because for example the last time I was looking for the XML support of famix 
>> and this is 
>>      Importer XML
>>      Famix XML
>>      ConfigurationOfXML
>>      at one point it took 5 real minute to realize that there was another 
>> package with the importerXML
>> So typing XML is nice.
>> Now I love also typing + enter to go to a single package. I think that this 
>> is the second point I mention to juraj :)
> You are right. I was thinking about it and maybe I do not understand exactly 
> how it should be visually presented.

as it was in Nautilus before esteban push his changes :)

you have the current selection in Color1
when you type the first occurence is marked with Color2
if you want the selection to the item with Color2 you type enter

It worked really well.

> When I worked in VisualWorks I remember there are also two kinds of 
> selection. One which displays what is selected, another one (just a tiny 
> border around the item) which displays what is going to be selected (or 
> something like that). I found it confusing. It can happen user see package 
> selection which is not related to class list.

This behavior is not link to class or pakages but to any list and the match is 
based on the item name not what it may contain.

> What if user do not press enter?

then why should something change because may be he should type another letter :)

> Should the focus be returned to the selected one? Or after pressing Escape?

escape can be used to clean the current on the fly
> Cheers,
> Jura
>> Stef
>>> Anyway, cool feature, right now using Nautilus makes me cry ...
>>> Thanks again :)
>>> Ben
>>> On 15 Nov 2013, at 22:33, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.ber...@me.com> wrote:
>>>> Juraj, this enhancement of Nautilus  will make famous :)
>>>> Alexandre
>>>> Le 15-11-2013 à 17:54, Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kube...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> Today during Mini Pharo Sprint at Santiago we implemented package filter 
>>>>> for Nautilus.
>>>>> Stéphane had suggested this feature and we found it really useful.
>>>>> If anyone wants to try it, it is 
>>>>> SLICE-Issue-12179-Nautilus-Add-package-filter-input-box-JurajKubelka.1 at 
>>>>> Pharo30Input
>>>>> See: 
>>>>> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/12179/Nautilus-Add-package-filter-input-box
>>>>> <Captura de pantalla 2013-11-15 a la(s) 17.49.03.png>
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Jura

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