Merry Christmas to all of you!

In a fresh 3.0 image:

Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'ronsaldo' project: 'roassal3d'; package: 
'ConfigurationOfRoassal3d'; load. (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfRoassal3d) 

Then do it:

| view text x y el r  |
text := '
xx xx  xxxxx  xxxxx   xxxxx   x   x        xxxxx  x   x  xxxxx  x  xxxxx  xxxxx 
 xx xx    x    xxxxx  
x x x  x      x   x   x   x   x   x        x      x   x  x   x  x  x        x   
 x x x  x   x  x      
x   x  xxx    xxxx    xxxx     xxx         x      xxxxx  xxxx   x  xxxxx    x   
 x   x  xxxxx  xxxxx  
x   x  x      x   x   x   x     x          x      x   x  x   x  x      x    x   
 x   x  x   x      x
x   x  xxxxx  x   x   x   x     x          xxxxx  x   x  x   x  x  xxxxx    x   
 x   x  x   x  xxxxx
view := R3View new.
x := 0.
y := 0.

mat := R3Material new diffuse: Color lightGray.
mat specular: Color green.
mat shininess: 10.0.

text linesDo: [ :line |
        line do: [ :c |
                (c = $x) ifTrue: [ 
                        el := (R3CubeShape new color: Color green) element.
                        el on: R3MouseClickDown do: [ :evt  |  R3Blink on: evt 
                                r := (R3Rotate on: evt element by:  (R3Vector3 
newX: -0.5)). view addAnimation: r ].
                        el translateByX: x y: y negated z: 0.
                        view add: el
                x := x + 1
        x := 0.
        y := y + 1.

view lightingModel: R3MultipassPerPixelLighting new.

view addInteraction: R3MouseControl new; addInteraction: R3KeyControlForMac new.
view open

Use keys: W A S D 
Click on letters


The Profilers 

Alexandre Bergel

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