The picture looks nice, but the script crashed on my VM too. 

Mac OX 10.8.5
Pharo3.0 Latest update: #30654


On 26.12.2013, at 19:42, Serge Stinckwich <> wrote:

> Crash on my mac OS X !
> Cheers,
> On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 7:26 PM, milton mamani <> wrote:
> Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone!.
> <image.png>
> This is another script:
> .=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=
> | view body head 
> b1 b2 b3 
> eye1 eye2 nose smile
> cravat lhand rhand
> sphere cone cylinder |
> cylinder := [ :m | | e |
>       e := R3CylinderShape element.
>       e on: m.
>       e ].
> cone := [ :m | | e |
>       e := R3ConeShape element.
>       e on: m.
>       e. ].
> sphere := [ :m | |e | 
>       e := R3IcoSphereShape element.
>       e on: m.
>       e shape color: Color white.
>       e shape recursionLevel: 3.
>       e ].
> view := R3View new.
> body := sphere value: 'body'.
> head := sphere value: 'Merry Christmas and Happy new year!!!
> From all of us at ObjectProfile'"'head'".
> head addInteraction: R3TooltipPopup.
> b1 := sphere value: '1'.
> b2 := sphere value: '2'.
> b3 := sphere value: '3'.
> eye1 := sphere value: 'o'.
> nose := cone value: 'j'.
> eye2 := sphere value: 'o'.
> cravat := sphere value: 'cravat'.
> lhand := cylinder value: 'left hand'.
> rhand := cylinder value: 'right hand'.
> body shape size: 1.5.
> head translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: 0 y: 1 z: 0).
> { b1. b2. b3 } do: [ :b | b shape color: Color yellow; size: 0.15 ].
> b1 translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: 0 y: 0.5 z: 0.5).
> b2 translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: 0 y: 0.25 z: 0.66).
> b3 translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: 0 y: 0.0 z: 0.71).
> { eye1. eye2 } do: [ :e | e shape color: Color black; size: 0.15 ].
> eye1 translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: -0.2 y: 1.1 z: 0.44).
> eye2 translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: 0.2 y: 1.1 z: 0.44).
> nose shape color: Color orange; size: 0.15; height: 0.5.
> nose translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: 0 y: 0.9 z: 0.7);
>       orientation: (R3Matrix3 xrot: 90 degreesToRadians ).
> smile := R3BezierLineShape new 
>       elementFrom: (R3Vector3 x: -0.2 y: 0.85 z: 0.45)
>       control: (R3Vector3 x: 0 y: 0.7 z:0.43 )
>       to: (R3Vector3 x: 0.2 y: 0.85 z: 0.45).
> smile shape color: Color black.
> cravat shape color: Color blue; height: 0.2.
> cravat translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: 0 y: 0.6 z: 0).
> { lhand. rhand } do: [ :h | h shape color: Color brown; size: 0.1; height: 1 
> ].
> lhand translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: -0.9 y: 0.7 z: 0);
>       orientation: (R3Matrix3 zrot:45 degreesToRadians).
> rhand translateTo: (R3Vector3 x: 0.9 y: 0.7 z: 0);
>       orientation: (R3Matrix3 zrot: -45 degreesToRadians).
> view lightingModel: R3MultipassPerPixelLighting new.
> view addAll: 
>       { body. head. 
>       b1. b2. b3. 
>       eye1. eye2. nose. smile.
>       cravat. lhand. rhand.
>        }.
> view addInteraction: R3MKControl.
> view setRoassal2DView: (ROView new).
> view openWithOverlay.
> .=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=
> Milton
> 2013/12/25 Tudor Girba <>
> Fun!
> Merry Christmas!
> Doru
> On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Alexandre Bergel <> 
> wrote:
> Oh!! Well spotted!
> Alexandre
> > Le 25-12-2013 à 11:25, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> a écrit :
> >
> > People keep on forgetting that you can write this load expression much more 
> > elegantly:
> >
> > ===
> > Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'ronsaldo' project: 'roassal3d'; configuration; 
> > loadDevelopment.
> > ===
> -- 
> "Every thing has its own flow"
> -- 
> Serge Stinckwich
> Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk


"The more complex an object, the larger the investment in learning to use it, 
and the greater the resistance to abandon it."

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