On 30 Dec 2013, at 12:38, jannik.laval <jannik.la...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am porting Phratch in Pharo 3.0 and I have some problems with the 
> interface. 
> I uses a one-click Pharo3.0 #30664
> Here is a list of what I have:
> - in a debugger, it is not possible to do a Cmd-p to evaluate an expression. 
> This appears only if I select with the mouse. If I make the selection with 
> shift-arrow it works. 
> It means that the selection  with mouse or with shift-arrow are not the same.
yes, known bug.  Introduced by 12144 TextModel>>getSelection. The only solution 
seems to be to revert tag for now:


This will be in the next update. (I was offline more or less since thursday due 
to helping my brother moving, so this is not integrated yet)

> - In monticello browser: when I select my project, all the repositories 
> available in Pharo are shown. As in Pharo 2.0, it should show only the 
> concerned repositories (2 or 3 max).
Yes, this was made on purpose and there is an issue that questions if that idea 
was good:

(this issue is from July)

> - In a browser, when I did a change in the source code of a method, then I 
> select another method, the changes are lost, without asking if I want to save 
> changes.

(issue date: 22/11)

In short: if there would be more people *actively* helping on the issue tracker 
front, you would not even have seen those problems.


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