Hi Torsten,

Thanks for the input.

I’ve changed RFBSession>>uninplemented  like this:

        "Make some noise when encountering an unimplemented feature.  Strictly 
developer lossage."

        self log: 'unimplemented'.
        "Beeper beepPrimitive."
        Transcript endEntry

So it doesn’t try to use the Beeper and fail

The client opens but the keyboard is not usable (it has an erratic behavior)

Maybe the way to handle the keyevents changed from 2 to Pharo 3?



On Jan 20, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Also try 
>  RFBLog dumpLogToTranscript: true
> before running. Then a dump on the Transcript will appear.
> There you will see that there is a DNU for a Cursor instance
> which does not understand #maskForm in method #sendCursorShape:
> Interesting enough ivar "newCursor" is an instance of Cursor - but and only 
> subclass like CursorWithMask understand #maskForm.
> It is initialized in #initServer:socket:reverse: with "Cursor currentCursor"
> returning
> - either a Cursor instance when I inspect it using the menu
> - a CursorWithMask instance when I inspect it using CMD keys 
> No time to dig deeper today. Keep us informed about your progress. 
> An updated ConfigurationOfRFB would be nice...
> Bye
> T.

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