Sharing some experiences…

This is on a fresh image with RFB installed and manually patched about the os 
name and version and removing Beeper invocations.

Strangely, after using it with UI and connecting with a vnc client for a while, 
I’ve stopped the RFB service in this image and then saved

Then I’ve tried to run it gui-less 

suryia:rfb sebastian$ pharo-vm/ -vm-display-null 
unknown option: -vm-display-null
Usage: [<option>...] [<imageName> [<argument>...]]
       [<option>...] -- [<argument>...]

Common <option>s:
  --help                 print this help message, then exit
  --memory <size>[mk]    use fixed heap size (added to image size)
  --headless             run in headless (no window) mode (default: false)
  --nohandlers           disable sigsegv & sigusr1 handlers

  <imageName> defaults to `Pharo.image'.
  If `--memory' is not specified then the heap will grow dynamically.
  <argument>s are ignored, but are processed by the Squeak image.
  The first <argument> normally names a Squeak `script' to execute.
  Precede <arguments> by `--' to use default image.

trying with —nodisplay

suryia:rfb sebastian$ pharo-vm/ --nodisplay 
unknown option: --nodisplay
Usage: [<option>...] [<imageName> [<argument>...]]
       [<option>...] -- [<argument>...]

Common <option>s:
  --help                 print this help message, then exit
  --memory <size>[mk]    use fixed heap size (added to image size)
  --headless             run in headless (no window) mode (default: false)
  --nohandlers           disable sigsegv & sigusr1 handlers

  <imageName> defaults to `Pharo.image'.
  If `--memory' is not specified then the heap will grow dynamically.
  <argument>s are ignored, but are processed by the Squeak image.
  The first <argument> normally names a Squeak `script' to execute.
  Precede <arguments> by `--' to use default image.

trying with —headless

suryia:rfb sebastian$ pharo-vm/ --headless 
Usage: [--no-preferences|--preference-file=<FILE>][<subcommand>] [--help] 
[--copyright] [--version] [--list] [ --no-quit ]
        --help       print this help message
        --copyright  print the copyrights
        --version    print the version for the image and the vm
        --list       list a description of all active command line handlers
        --no-quit    keep the image running without activating any other 
command line handler
        <subcommand> a valid subcommand in --list
        Preference File Modification:
        --preference-file   load the preferences from the given <FILE>
        --no-default-preferences    do not load any preferences from the 
default locations
A PharoCommandLineHandler handles default command line arguments and options.
The PharoCommandLineHandler is activated before all other handlers. 
It first checks if another handler is available. If so it will activate the 
found handler.

no crash dumps no PharoDegug.log this time =/


On Jan 20, 2014, at 3:58 PM, Sebastian Sastre <> 

> If you want to reproduce the issue:
> 1. Take a fresh image         
> wget -O- | bash
> 2. start it with UI and in a workspace load RFB  
>       Gofer new
>               url:'';
>               package: 'RFB';
>               load.
> 3. then run 
> RFBServer current
>       allowRemoteConnections: true;
>       setFullPassword: ‘caca’;
>       start: 8.
> 4. connect with chicken VNC or your favourite client to 5908, all should be 
> okay (if you have in mind the bug/fix about  os platform)
> 5. quit image saving
> 6. you can now open it with UI and all will be nice and good or you’ll have 
> an image that can’t start in headless mode =/
> still investigating... contributions are very welcome
> sebastian
> o/
> On Jan 20, 2014, at 3:47 PM, Sebastian Sastre <> 
> wrote:
>> Guys 
>> Just checking while investigating the issue...
>> Were any of you here able to connect a VNC client to a headless Pharo 3?
>> I can do that to a Pharo 2 (seting a morphic ui manager on it) but I'm 
>> having issues with 3
>> Did you tried that? any luck? insights?
>> sebastian
>> o/

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