I started working on extending SWIG to generate bindings for NativeBoost
FFI, using as a reference the C# binding generator. I am committing my work
on this into https://github.com/ronsaldo/swig/ .

It works by creating a C side code and Smalltalk that can be filed-in in a
image, which contains a class with all the NativeBoost-FFI callouts, a
class for the global module, classes for each C++ class and SWIGTYPE_*
classes for opaque types or types that SWIG couldn't wrap.

It currently can generate bindings for C/C++ functions, constants, define
based constants, opaque structures, methods, enums, and for C++ classes,
nested classes, member methods, member fields, member constants, member
static functions, variables and constants.

The overloaded functions support currently is not so great, since I am
currently using the arguments name to build the selector. I have to still
decide a better strategy for the overloaded methods.

WARNING: automatic garbage collection of the C++ classes is not yet ready,
but it will be soon. Downcasting of C++ objects is also not supported yet.

Ronie Salgado

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