For diligence and curiosity leading up to the Pharo3 release, I downloaded build image 30733 (with PharoLauncher) and immediately ran all tests, which reported 7 failures and 1 error (see attached snapshot). Now presumably these did not occur in the CI build since otherwise it would not have been available to PharoLauncher, so this raises a few questions/ideas:

1. Why the discrepancy / how did these slip through ? Perhaps some difference in local environment / difference in VM? Can anyone else reproduce this for 30733? I've logged an new case [1] for this where I plan to either link to existing cases or add a subcase for each failure. Please add your results there, particularly if you see a known issue.

Here are my failures...
and errors...

2. How is the PharoLauncher VM synced with that used to test the Pharo CI builds ? (My VM comes from the PharoLauncher Windows Installer)

3. Assuming Pharo3 will go through a Release Candidate phase, apart from functionality testing which anyone may-or-not have time for, as many spectators as possible should download those Release Candidate images an just run All Tests. 4. It might be good for a small number of releases between now and Release Candidate to be designated for the community to similarly run All Tests - to reduce surprises at Release Candidate time?

5. I've seen times before when some failures as transitory/random (which had to do with unordered Sets being used by a test that presumed order). So at times when there are a lot of Pharoers together, such as at a Sprint, maybe the convention could be for everyone to run All Tests at the start of the day to provide broad comparison (and know you're starting with a clean slate)

cheers -ben


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