Daniela Meneses wrote:
Hi to all,

As you may know I'm working on in some improvements for the String class. Until now I implemented some missing tests. Right now I'm looking forward to add new methods that could be useful based on Ruby API (http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.0/String.html). These are a few of the methods that I'm planning to implement:

  • chomp(separator=$/) -> new_str
  • chop() -> new_str
  • ljust(integer, padstr='') ->new_str
  • next -> new_str
  • partition(sep) -> [head, sep, tail]

Could you help to find out if these methods are already available for the String class?

If you have any idea of new methods for the string class, will be really welcome.

Daniela Meneses
Have you had a play with Tools > Finder?
In the searchbox put...
    'string' . 'strin'
then from the pulldown select "Examples"

then try again with...
    'string' , String cr . 'string'

cheers -ben

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