
My personal opinion on that:

- Pharo3Theme subclassing UIWatery was not necessary as these two themes
have mostly nothing in common
- Indeed if you want to only change a base color of watery theme, you
have to subclass from it.
- For DrGeo on tablet I needed a dedicated theme to remove the windows
decoration, for positionning dialog centered on the top, etc., and with
the look of watery; so I subclassed from watery.

Thanks for the integration work


Le 26/03/2014 18:08, Ben Coman a écrit :
> Just curious to learn...  I saw mentioned somewhere that it was bad to
> subclass themes. What is inherently wrong with that?  For example
> Pharo3Theme was inheriting from UIWateryTheme ?
> If I wanted my own theme, the same as UIThemeWatery but a different
> baseColor,
> should I do...
>    UITheme subclass: MyTheme
>    and copy all methods from UIThemeWatery
>    then modify MyTheme class >> baseColor
> or do...
>    UIThemeWatery subclass:  MyTheme
>    and add MyTheme class >> baseColor
> cheers -ben

Dr. Geo

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