Can one of you do the following experience to let me know if I’m totally mad or not?
1 - Add Transcript show:'initializePresenter'; cr. in the SpecDebugger>>initializePresenter as below: initializePresenter super initializePresenter. Transcript show:'initializePresenter'; cr. self flag: 'some of this logic could be moved to the stack widget'. self flag: 'The toolbar should not be updated when the list changes, but when an action is perormed.'. self stack whenListChanged: [ :aList | aList isEmpty ifFalse: [ self stack setSelectedItem: aList first ]. "Updating the toolbar will result in changing the button widgets. If the widget hasn't been opened, there will be no spec, which leads to an error." self spec ifNotNil: [ self updateToolbar ] ]. self stack whenSelectedItemChanged: [:aContext | self updateCodeFromContext: aContext. self updateInspectorsFromContext: aContext. self stack updateForSelectionChanged ]. self contextInspector initializeAutoRefresh. 2- open a transcript 3- open a workspace and execute 1 halt. I get a really large number of initializePresenter in the transcript