On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> For assignment, I would say bold both := and the variable being assigned
> to.

I like that a lot, especially since it draws the two critical elements of
variable and assignment together. On a minor note, both := and = are
currently the same color: black. That only furthers the ":= is a message"
misconception. It might be worthwhile also giving := its own color, given
its uniqueness.

> Underlining sounds interesting, but there are a few choices:
> a. nested underlining - self someMessage: (self otherMessage: arg 1 and:
> arg2) and: arg3
> b. non-nested underlining - only underline #otherMessage:and: and not
> #someMessage:and:
> c. dynamically underline only message where cursor is located.

I think you could do nested underlining in the same way that nested blocks
and parentheses work. someMessage: and the second and: are underlined in
black. otherMessage: and the first and: are underlined in green. That way
nesting is clear. This would also be useful for code with nested
conditionals, probably the most common occurrence of nested multi-part
messages. I also like (c) as a minimally intrusive change that could help
novices when they write code. It has the disadvantage that novices couldn't
look at a piece of foreign code and get where the multi-part messages were.



Jochen "Jeff" Rick, Ph.D.
Skype ID: jochenrick

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