>  Great to hear of small successes in reception of Pharo in the broader
> community.  Some ideas...
> 1. The most kick ass thing I can think of would go something like this...
>   a. Set up two computers nominally "customer" (or "webserver") and
> "support team".  Start the same image on each.
>   b. On the "customer" computer run some code that cause an error. In the
> debugger Fuel-out to a USB stick. Show them the small size of the file.
>   c. On the "support team" computer, insert the USB stick and drag the
> Fuel file into the image and start debugging.

Or the CI example were test failures are fueled out. This is a nice
extension to the typical CI behavior.

>   Even better if the code that was running was a morph stepping across the
> screen with some text inside counting up, and that counter and morph
> position were maintained in the transition to the second computer - but I'm
> not sure if Fuel would handle that.
There is no way to know it but trying. The only problem could be that
during the serialization, the traversed graph to serialize may be to big if
it reaches to the display and all its world and related objects. Also, you
may arrive to places that change so frequently like mouse position etc...
This normally happens when you end up serializing the whole UI. In this
case, it is likely the graph will change while you are serializing it...so
you will be screw. Of course, if can hook a bit and cut the graph...but you
should know in which place of your morph to cut.

> 2. Parts of the Zinc quick start might be worthwhile...
>     http://zn.stfx.eu/zn/build-and-deploy-1st-webapp/
> 3. Pull up halos on a menu and drag a duplicate a menu item onto the
> background, then show that it still works when it is clicked.  Bring up the
> halos again and inspect the morph where you can change the name of that
> menu item.  Exit Pharo and restart to show that the renamed menu item is
> still there.
> 4. Some of Doru's "build a custom browser" demos of Glamorous Toolkit are
> inspiring for how few lines of code are needed, but I don't have references.
> good luck,
> cheers -ben


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