On 04/28/2014 11:12 AM, Marcus Denker wrote:
… more a Smalltalk one using Pharo:

MountainWest RubyConf 2014

Noel Rappin: "But Really, You Should Learn Smalltalk”

Smalltalk has mystique. We talk about it more than we use it. It seems like it 
should be so similar to Ruby. It has similar Object-Oriented structures, it 
even has blocks. But everything is so slightly different, from the programming 
environment, to the 1-based arrays, to the simple syntax. Using Smalltalk will 
make you look at familiar constructs with new eyes. We’ll show you how to get 
started on Smalltalk, and walk through some sample code. Live coding may be 
involved. You’ll never look at objects the same way again.


One more thought about Pharo being a Smalltalk.

The Pharo Wikipedia page from day one to today has declared Pharo as a Smalltalk.

A quote from the first entry.
Pharo is a fork of Squeak, an implementation of the object-oriented, dynamically typed, reflective programming language Smalltalk.

A quote from the current entry.
Pharo is an open-source Smalltalk-environment released under the MIT license since 2009.
Pharo is a fork of Squeak, an open source Smalltalk environment created by the Smalltalk-80 team (Dan Ingalls and Alan Kay). The Pharo team want to develop a modern Smalltalk for companies and software engineering research.

Smalltalk is mentioned over 20 times. Pharo is listed as being written in Smalltalk. Not being written in Pharo.

Also, Smalltalk is the original pure object-oriented language.
If Pharo ditches Smalltalk, are we ditching OO also.

The only and sole reason for not proudly proclaiming Pharo as Smalltalk is marketing. That type of marketing cuts both ways. We also lose the positive of Smalltalk.

We can't undo our history. We are a Smalltalk. We can invent our future. Just as a true Smalltalk should.

Smalltalk has baggage. So does Object-Oriented programming. But just because the functional people, the Clojure people flog OO, doesn't mean we abandon that terminology. We embrace OO and we educated people that C++ and Java do not get to be arbiters of defining what OO means. We show them what OO really means.

And so we do not let the Smalltalk detractors define us either.

I think our new website should proudly reflect that Pharo is a Smalltalk. The Wikipedia page does, and rightly so.

I have been a part of the Squeak/Pharo community since the 2000. I still have much to learn. But this much I know. I am happy to be a Smalltalker. I have wandered around much, and I always wander back, because nothing else brings the experience and productivity. Not Python, Ruby, Lua, ...

Long live Smalltalk.


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