Hi ronie

Some questions:
    do you think that we could have a openCL back-end for athens?

do you think that we could avoid having openCL text inside Pharo but have a kind of DSL?


On 8/5/14 08:32, Ronie Salgado wrote:

I started working in making some basic bindings for OpenCL using NativeBoost.

Currently I can run basics OpenCL OpenCL kernels. I tried to generate quickly some procedural images which was a success.

I am going to be showing some more cool stuffs when mixing OpenCL+OpenGL+SDL2.

Currently uploading my work into http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~ronsaldo/OpenCL <http://smalltalkhub.com/#%21/%7Eronsaldo/OpenCL> . No configuration or stable release yet.


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