thanks for the detailed answer :)

I am definitely excited about your project. I am sure however far you will
go with it , it will definitely benefit Pharo . Good luck and keep us
informed :)

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 11:55 PM, Ronie Salgado <> wrote:

> Blender <> is actually porting OpenCL for its
>> rendering engine cycles. Cycles already uses CUDA. They say that OpenCL is
>> quite buggy yet and not well supported. Whats your experience with it ?
> This is actually a problem with the AMD implementation of OpenCL, and yes
> it is buggy, but being improved over the time, specially after Valve is
> going for Linux and the new generation of consoles is based in AMD hardware.
> Until AMD made the GCN architecture(HD7xxx and upward), they did not have
> hardware support for function calls unlike NVIDIA, so they have to inline
> everything. The Blender Cycles rendering engine is huge, and specially
> their noise functions used for procedural textures. Because everything was
> being in-lined, they ended running out of memory easily when compiling
> their kernels for the first time. In my desktop machine with 3 GB of RAM I
> end without of memory when trying Cycles with OpenCL, but in my laptop with
> 8 GB of RAM it works, but not perfect because they haven't done(at least
> the last year when I last tried ) too much testing with OpenCL.
> With GCN AMD should have fixed the problem, but they keep using the same
> intermediate representation that they used for their previouse generation,
> so they keep inlining everything. In some time AMD should fix the problem,
> specially when most of the new generation of consoles uses GCN and Valve
> coming to Linux.
> My recommendation is to keep OpenCL kernels as simple as possible, which
> should also be done for performance.
> Are you going to expose also an API for non graphic stuff ?
> I am exposing some parts of the OpenCL API one by one. OpenCL is a small
> API, but it is designed for C, so I am trying to make it a bit more
> Smalltalk friendlier. But just a bit more.
> For testing the bindings, I have one test that performs a simple big
> vector addition. So, it can be used for non graphics stuffs.
> Graphics are cooler to show.
> do you think that we could have a openCL back-end for athens?
> Yes, it should be possible. A scanline renderer in OpenCL should be really
> interesting of implementing.
> But, I think that a better option is to use OpenGL with the Stencil Buffer
> and manual evaluation of the curves. I have done it before for vector
> graphics, and I need an OpenGL based Athens backend for Roassal 3D and my
> next video-game graphics engine.
> I also tried some time ago with the paper present here:
>  I am interested in extending his technique from quadratic NURBS into
> cubic NURBS.
> They are lot of different ways for making 2D vector graphics in the GPU,
> and I want to try some of them for profiling.
> do you think that we could avoid having openCL text inside Pharo but have
>> a kind of DSL?
> I hate MATLAB, so I would love a DSL for working with matrices, vectors
> and use Roassal/GraphET for displaying the data and plotting. This should
> be very easy to implement.
> For some domains, making a DSL should be easy.
> In general, a DSL for the GPGPU is not going to be enough. Some algorithms
> have to be adapted explicitly for the GPU, taking in account the presence
> of different memory models, such as the local memory. If we want a generic
> model, we need to make a different Pharo-ish programming language.
> The work with UFFI/VirtualCPU should make that very long term task easy.
> But for now, lets just use some DSLs.
> Greetings,
> Ronie
> 2014-05-08 11:06 GMT-04:00 stepharo <>:
> Hi ronie
>> Some questions:
>>     do you think that we could have a openCL back-end for athens?
>>     do you think that we could avoid having openCL text inside Pharo but
>> have a kind of DSL?
>> Stef
>> On 8/5/14 08:32, Ronie Salgado wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I started working in making some basic bindings for OpenCL using
>>> NativeBoost.
>>> Currently I can run basics OpenCL OpenCL kernels. I tried to generate
>>> quickly some procedural images which was a success.
>>> I am going to be showing some more cool stuffs when mixing
>>> OpenCL+OpenGL+SDL2.
>>> Currently uploading my work into!/~
>>> ronsaldo/OpenCL <> . No
>>> configuration or stable release yet.
>>> Greetings,
>>> Ronie

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