Thanks Pavel, I have a clearer picture of the process.


2014-06-04 11:47 GMT+02:00 Pavel Krivanek <>:

> 2014-06-04 0:09 GMT+02:00 Luc Fabresse <>:
> Hi Pavel,
>> I tested the image and it worked exactly as Doru described.
>> I also noted that an "error" file is created when quitting the image.
>> It contains:
>> MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "new" is nil
>> Probably something in the shutdown?
> yes
>> BTW, can you give some explanations on the different CI jobs?
>> - Pharo-4.0-Bootstrap-Step-1.0-Shrink
> This job takes full fresh Pharo 4.0 image and unloads all packages but
> basic kernel packages, network support, Monticello, Gofer and Metacello.
>> - Pharo-4.0-Bootstrap-Step-2.0-ConfigurationOfSUnit
> This job takes the shrinked image and loads base of SUnit and runs the
> tests
>> - Pharo-4.0-Bootstrap-Step-2.1-ConfigurationOfKernelTests
> This job takes the image with preloaded SUnit and loads and run tests
> related to the kernel packages (currently not all)
>> - Pharo-4.0-Bootstrap-Step-3-ConfigurationOfIDE
> This job tries to load (almost) everything back to the shninked image
> using configuration. Some time ago it really worked ;-)
>>  - Pharo-4.0-Bootstrap-Step-3.0-ConfigurationOfMorphicCore
> Loads Morphic-Core package (+some patches) to the shrinked image and
> initializes this Morphic subset.
> -- Pavel
>> Thanks for this important work!
>> #Luc
>> 2014-06-03 21:36 GMT+02:00 Bernardo Ezequiel Contreras <
>>  interesting!
>>> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 4:07 PM, Pavel Krivanek <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I'm really surprised how little we need to make TextMorph work with
>>>> basic bitmap fonts:
>>>> TAbleToRotate
>>>> StrikeFont->#readFromStrike2:
>>>> StrikeFont->#readFromStrike2Stream:
>>>> StrikeFont->#displayLine:at:
>>>> StrikeFont->#characters:in:displayAt:clippedBy:rule:fillColor:kernDelta
>>>> :on:
>>>> StrikeFont->#height
>>>> StrikeFont->#ascent
>>>> StrikeFont->#descent
>>>> StrikeFont->#installOn:foregroundColor:backgroundColor:
>>>> BitBlt->#installStrikeFont:foregroundColor:backgroundColor:
>>>> StrikeFont->#glyphs
>>>> StrikeFont->#displayString:on:from:to:at:kern:
>>>> StrikeFont->#characterToGlyphMap
>>>> StrikeFont->#createCharacterToGlyphMap
>>>> StrikeFont->#xTable
>>>> String->#asMorph
>>>> StringMorph class->#contents:
>>>> StringMorph class->#contents:font:
>>>> StringMorph class->#contents:font:emphasis:
>>>> StringMorph->#initialize
>>>> StringMorph->#initWithContents:font:emphasis:
>>>> StringMorph->#contents:
>>>> StringMorph->#privateSetContents:
>>>> StringMorph->#fitContents
>>>> StringMorph->#measureContents
>>>> StringMorph->#fontToUse
>>>> AbstractFont->#widthOfString:
>>>> AbstractFont->#widthOfString:from:to:
>>>> StrikeFont->#widthOf:
>>>> StringMorph->#minimumWidth
>>>> StringMorph->#fullBounds
>>>> StringMorph->#contents
>>>> StringMorph->#areasRemainingToFill:
>>>> StringMorph->#drawOn:
>>>> StringMorph->#handlesMouseDown:
>>>> StringMorph->#isEditable:
>>>> StringMorph class->#editableStringMorph
>>>> StringMorph->#isTranslucentButNotTransparent
>>>> WorldMorph->#acceptDroppingMorph:event:
>>>> Morph->#justDroppedInto:event:
>>>> StringMorph->#imageForm:forRectangle:
>>>> 2014-06-03 15:54 GMT+02:00 stepharo <>:
>>>> Nice!
>>>>> Alain restarted to work on Bloc and the result looks nice. I'm trying
>>>>> to get some influence and rewrite clean what I see that
>>>>> can be cleaned.
>>>>> Stef
>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>> I created a job that bootstraps MorphicCore - an image that contains
>>>>>> runable subset of Morphic that is able only to display a simple morph and
>>>>>> handle mouse and keyboard events on it. Please, try to test the image on
>>>>>> Mac.
>>>>>> 4.0-Bootstrap-Step-3.0-ConfigurationOfMorphicCore/
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> -- Pavel
>>> --
>>> Bernardo E.C.
>>> Sent from a cheap desktop computer in South America.

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