Really great!


On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Pavel Krivanek <>

> Hi,
> in latest update we integrated several patches needed for proper working
> of ConfiguratonOfMorphicCore. This simple configuration loads Morphic-Core
> package into the minimal image and initializes it so the result is a small
> standalone Morphic subset.
> But some issues that I would like to discuss with the community left:
> SystemWindows support
> ============================
>  SystemWindow is quite complex morph that requires many of other morph
> classes including text morphs, theming support etc. But in several
> situations the system windows play special role and the Morphic core
> classes need to be aware of them. So we have several options:
> - (current) do not have SystemWindow & co. in the image but let basic
> support of them. That will produce some unimplemented calls
> - create very simple SystemWindow superclass that will be part of the
> Morphic-Core but will not have look and possibilities of real SystemWindow
> - include SystemWindow and supporting classes
> Tools
> ============================
> The current image generated by this configuraton will crash as soon as
> you try to press some keyboard button. The reason is in the method Morph>>#
> handleKeystroke. This method contains this code to support Keymapping
> Smalltalk tools shortcuts handleKeystroke: anEvent inMorph: self.
> The #tools message is part of Tool-Base package and need to be there
> because it uses lazy evaluation that creates a ToolRegistry instance.
> Because Tool-Base is not loaded in the minimal nor Morphic-Core image, it
> raises DNU
> Solutions:
> - introduce some safer form like Smalltalk withToolsDo: [:tools | ...].
> In this case it will not be able to look if the class variable "Tools" is
> nil (because of lazy evaluation) but it will need to do some ugly check of
> presence of ToolRegistry class or something similar. In this case we will
> produce more unimplemented calls (on several places in the image because
> withToolsDo: may be handy in other cases too)
> - something different :)
> Cheers,
> -- Pavel


"Every thing has its own flow"

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