personally I don't like this postcard , it looks too much like "snake oil
marketing" to me.

It creates the illusion that Pharo is much simpler than other programming
languages as a programming language while nothing can be further from the
truth. The idea here is to prove to the viewer that Pharo is based on a
very simple recipe and that is of course true. But if we have to be honest
is should come with a disclaimer for the potential users that Pharo is no
blue pill and there tons of things outside this postcard you need to learn
if you want to create the simplest Pharo application. I will be frank , as
a language I dont find Pharo any simpler than let's say python , which I am
more familiar with. And the fact that there is this simple recipe gave me
zero benefits to me so far. Its a cool trick that may come handy down the
line if I want to shape the language more to my needs, but I dont see doing
this to a day by day basis.

Now a "living coding postcard" stating the workflow of Pharo and
demonstrating the power of the debugger is much more honest and frankly
better marketing for Pharo. You show something to a person that will
benefit his workflow on a day by day basis.

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Yuriy Tymchuk <>

> Now, who is creative enough to add “dynamic array” (one with curly braces)
> and temporaries in a block to the original thing:
> exampleWithNumber: x
>     | y |
>     true & false not & (nil isNil) ifFalse: [self halt].
>     y := self size + super size.
>     #($a #a "a" 1 1.0)
>         do: [ :each |
>             Transcript show: (each class name);
>                        show: ' '].
>     ^x < y
> Uko
> On 16 Jun 2014, at 15:35, Oscar Nierstrasz <>
> wrote:
> I got it from Stef, who always said it came originally from Ralph Johnson.
> Googling around finds various copies of this, but no original source.
> Oscar
> On 16 Jun 2014, at 10:58 , Yuriy Tymchuk <> wrote:
> I guess it’s here:
> I think that it would be interesting to put the syntax on a postcard. It
> can work as a proof of concept, some addition cheat-sheet for newcomers and
> also as some king of souvenir.
> Uko
> On 16 Jun 2014, at 10:36, stepharo <> wrote:
> you have the flyer of Damien (no idea where it is) but no real postcard.
> Stef
> On 16/6/14 09:35, Yuriy Tymchuk wrote:
> Hi guys,
> we all are talking about the syntax fitting in a postcard, but was there
> any real postcard with Pharo syntax prototype? This would be really
> interesting.
> Uko

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