First off:
<rant>why do we have an IRC channel if nobody seems to be listening??</rant>

too small community for an irc channel. My experience with irc is that
90-99% of people logged in at least are idle. For its size #pharo is quite
active actually.

sorry can't help you with your question :(

On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Max Leske <> wrote:

> First off:
> <rant>why do we have an IRC channel if nobody seems to be
> listening??</rant>
> Sorry about that. Here’s my original question as posted on IRC:
> Hi guys.
> I have a couple of SystemWindow instances sitting around in my image which
> can’t be garbage collected. They all once showed a debugger but that
> debugger seems to be only referenced by the window.
> I’m kind of running in circles. Does anyone have an idea how to find the
> root pointers which prevent garbage collection of an object? Using
> PointerFinder manually isn’t helping much (I’m in a Pharo 1.1.1 image).
> Cheers,
> Max

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