Le 15/07/2014 14:05, Ben Coman a écrit :
Goubier Thierry wrote:
I'm scanning a bit among scientific / computation languages (including
GUIs) and I'd like to know if some work has been done on interactive
notebooks gui concepts?

I'm thinking of something like: http://ipython.org/notebook.html

I know that the Pharo text editing capabilities are not up to that
kind of job, but I'd like to know if some would be interested in being
able to interact via that kind of development environment.

I'd be very interested in that kind of feature. I'd imagine you have a
number of separate text areas in one workspace that are evaluated in
order of their origin.

Yes, it seems to be the case in the example I was looking at. Sort of the recording of an interactive session with a terminal.

Would be interesting to see if we can go back and edit.

Only sad thing I see in the way it is presented: output is not part of the program.

I recommend you take MathCAD for a test drive.

I'll have a look, thanks!

cheers, Ben

Thierry Goubier
CEA list
Laboratoire des Fondations des Systèmes Temps Réel Embarqués
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