This is a fantastic news JB. Keep going!!!


On Jul 31, 2014, at 10:33 AM, Jean Baptiste Arnaud <> 

> Hi,
> I made some advance on Android StackVM (using the standard unix sources). 
> :-) 
> Last Unix Stack VM with last 40Pharo image (a little bit modified cause au 
> no-NativeBoost and some constraint from the Android Sandboxing ).
> Content:
> - Somes lines of code change in SqUnixMain.c (using if define android, but 
> not a lot, just for allow to load external lib :-).
> - 1 communication with java / C files, (will be split in two or three file 
> one for printing debugging, one or two for core).
> - 1 external graphical plugins. vm-display-android, really short but for 
> android, because the rendering is done by Android.
> All these plugins are includes (not deeply tested yet, but most of them 
> should work):
> AndroidPlugin (for now I just allow to do debug printing from the image in 
> the logCat), BitBltPlugin, B2DPlugin, BMPReadWriterPlugin, CroquetPlugin, 
> DSAPrims, FFTPlugin, FileCopyPlugin, FilePlugin, FloatArrayPlugin, 
> FloatMathPlugin, JoystickTabletPlugin, JPEGReaderPlugin, 
> LargeIntegers,Matrix2x3Plugin, RePlugin, SecurityPlugin, 
> JPEGReadWriter2Plugin, SocketPlugin, MiscPrimitivePlugin, ZipPlugin.
> And a lot of debugging. :-).
> Next step:
> - fixing all the Event. 
> - Do a real Configuration generator to be able to generate from Jenkins using 
> the NDK. 
> - Then merge in the main PharoVM Git :-).
> - Do a configuration to allow older pharo image to run on it. Maybe older but 
> I not convince yet.
> - And obviously a job for allow anybody to create a android package with it's 
> own image :-)
> See you soon :-)
> <IMG_3934.jpeg>
> Best Regards
> Dr Arnaud

Alexandre Bergel

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