Maybe we can start small.

I've current needs that could well be handled in the environment.

The FileBrowser is in my view quite not used enough.

When doing web applications, I deal with Javascript, CSS, content files etc
all the time.

The FileBrowser allows to edit files in its content pane.
Doing an Accept (Alt-S) on the pane saves the file.

So, instead of starting an external edit session in Vim, I mostly work
there for some smaller changes (like tweaking CSS).

Now, if we could have a syntax highlighter in there it would be nice.

For CSS it wouldn't be too damn hard I think.


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Jan Vrany <> wrote:

> Hi Torsten, Phil,
> On Thu, 2014-09-04 at 14:18 +0200, Torsten Bergmann wrote:
> > Hi Phil,
> >
> > if there is something I would like to see our Pharo ecosystem and ST in
> general moving
> > towards is to such a "multilanguage"/"multisourcecode"/"flexible
> ressources" kind of
> > thing. Even when this could not be a short term goal I would like to see
> this
> > in the long term.
> I've been working in this area for many years now. And have learned a
> good deal while doing that :-)
> Making one language to execute within other's environment is the easy
> part, though it could be a lot of work (especially, if you care about
> performance). Making tools to be aware of different languages is not
> hard too, thought it is "just" a huge amount of work that has to be
> done. The tricky part is to allow one to talk to each other, preserving
> each other's semantics and still stay intuitive, clear and free of
> unnecessary boilerplate code. Another tricky bit is to make other
> workflows and ways of coding things in other languages work nicely with
> the way Smalltalk way we do it in Smalltalk. These are tough bits.
> That's where a real research has yet to be done...
> >  - running Java inside of Smalltalk/X
> Well, Smalltalk/X can do much more with Java than "just" run it.
> Java has been fully integrated into development tools supporting full
> development cycle :-)

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