
2014-09-15 10:28 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Thierry Goubier <
> thierry.goub...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2014-09-15 6:44 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> As you could see in the Pillar highlighting support, Rubric can now
>>> handle any syntax highlighting in a rather straightforward way. You can
>>> also easily embed this in a Glamour browser.
>> I'll have a look. I find that PluggableTextMorph automatic behavior
>> (smart characters, styling) is very nice when doing Smalltalk code, but a
>> pain in anything else. I'd like to see that Smalltalk-customized code be
>> refactored elsewhere than in the editor.
>> What I'd like to see is the ability to customize the behavior for islands
>> of text inside a text (recursively of course :)).
> This is not yet possible. I would hope we get this to work within the
> context of TxText.

I was thinking of having a look at TxText ;)

I noticed that I have already started to reimplement part of the
StringHolder / PluggableTextMorph logic outside it (via menu command
objects / keymapping shortcuts instead of using the hardcoded versions
inside the Morph or Model object) and I wanted to see if this was already
done (or prepared for) in TxText.

I think that, even in the context of the current TextEditor, I could
customize based on islands based on what I already have. But I have to
spend some time on it.

>>> You can see the example in the GT-InspectorExtensions-Pillar. You can
>>> load the code in a Moose image like this:
>>> Gofer new
>>>         smalltalkhubUser: 'Pier' project: 'Pillar';
>>>         configuration;
>>>         loadStable.
>>> Gofer new
>>>        smalltalkhubUser: 'JanKurs' project: 'PetitParser';
>>>        configurationOf: #PetitParserIslands;
>>>        load.
>>> #ConfigurationOfPetitParserIslands asClass loadDevelopment.
>>> Gofer new
>>>        smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'GToolkit';
>>>        package: 'GT-InspectorExtensions-Pillar';
>>>        load.
>> Ok. The Moose image is a bit of a down to me when trying to understand
>> code because code exploration capabilities are limited / non obvious
>> compared to what I use in Pharo.
> What do you mean? What is different for you in this area?

I'm accustomed to the smart suggestion stuff as I implemented it, makes it
very easy to drill down in code...

What I use a lot:

Right mouse button on a global, select 'Browse' : inspect the class
variable or open a browser on the class (depending on what it is). Also
valid in a class #subclass: display in the browser, to browse the super

Implementors / sendors of / accesses to instance var under right mouse
button: open a full browser showing all the resulting methods (and not a
message list :( ). Also works in the string containing instance variable
names in a class definition pane.

Double click on a package / class -> open a browser scoped to that package
/ class (where all search operations are limited to that scope).

Ctrl+F -> open the finder toolbar on top of the browser, with reduced gui
(no package choice) : result of the finder will appear in a new browser,
and finder is scoped by the initial browser scope.

So, when I end up in Nautilus, I just find myself very clumsy looking
around (which is not good for my self-esteem ;) ) Not forgetting the fact
that opening a Nautilus browser takes a lot longer. In Moose also,
GTInspector is slow.

Take it as a different experience on the GUI side; I know I invest a lot in
the motor skill part of the GUI, and this has an effect when I switch


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