Le 15/09/2014 18:23, Eliot Miranda a écrit :

I find this whole discussion depressing.  It seems people would rather
put their energy in chasing quick fixes or other technologies instead of
contributing to the work that is being done in the existing VM.  People
discuss using LLVM as if the code generation capabilities inside Cog
were somehow poor or have no chance of competing.  Spur is around twice
as fast as the current memory manager, has much better support for the
FFI.  Clément and I, now with help from Ronie, are making excellent
progress towards an adaptive optimizer/speculative inliner that will
give us similar performance to V8 (the Google JavaScript VM, lead by
Lars Bak, who implemented the HotSpot VM (Smalltalk and Java)) et al.
  We are trying to get person-power for a high-quality FFI and have a
prototype for a non-blocking VM.  When we succeed C won't be any better
and so it won't be an interesting target.  One will be able to program
entirely in Smalltalk and get excellent performance.  But we need
effort.  Collaboration.

Hi Eliot,

Not everybody has the necessary skills to help and contribute to your work, my assembly skills are really faraway and outdated now (... little frustration here :( ... )
but imho your work is unvaluable to pharo and smalltalk community
- just to mention it, I noticed a 30 to 50% gain in a small bench I wrote for fun recently (a very dumb chess pawn moves generator) with the last Spur vm
I was shocked :)
64bits + x2 perfs + non blocking (or multi threaded?) vm are giant steps forward that makes it possible for pharo smalltalk to compete with mainstream technologies



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