On 23 Sep 2014, at 13:37, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is a message for people doing fixes in Pharo core, and because of that 
>> doing SLICEs. Since last week I’m changing the integration process 
>> (something transparent for most of you), to make it more automated… so I 
>> added two new fields to the issue tracker: 
>> - preload
>> - postload
>> So… from now, if your SLICE requires one or/and the other, you need to fill 
>> those fields… it will not be part of the comment fields anymore. 
>> thanks, Esteban
> I've never used a preload or postload before in any way.  Can you give an 
> example?

then you will not have a problem :)
Some times you need to prepare something or clean up things (for example, is 
common when working with RPackage, that you need to re-scan the system). 

> cheers -ben

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