Esteban Lorenzano wrote:

This is a message for people doing fixes in Pharo core, and because of that doing SLICEs. Since last week I’m changing the integration process (something transparent for most of you), to make it more automated…

I guess the observable result is this comment on Issue 14049...
"Resolved (Fix Integrated) and assigned to Ben Coman by Ulysse The Galactic Monkey From Outer Space
In 40240"

Very cool. What is the trigger? Does it just pick up those issues with status "Resolved (Fix Reviewed by the Monkey)" or is there some interface that a group of integrators use to queue issues for integration?

cheers, Ben

so I added two new fields to the issue tracker:
- preload
- postload

So… from now, if your SLICE requires one or/and the other, you need to fill those fields… it will not be part of the comment fields anymore. thanks, Esteban

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