But why is Set being affected by hash? Hash is never guaranteed to be
unique. Set should be affected by equality.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 9:34 AM, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 17.10.2014, at 02:46, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> Richard Sargent wrote:
> Eliot Miranda-2 wrote
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Richard Sargent <
> richard.sargent@
> wrote:
> One of the best things about Smalltalk is how easily we can say what we
> mean. I think you would be better off creating a method named something
> like
> #hasSameEffectAs: to answer what you are presently using #= to do, and
> change #= to answer the, in my opinion, more sensible "is the same as"
> that
> we conventionally think of #= meaning.
> But that's the point.  #= has to mean something and having it mean #==
> isn't useful, so one has to choose some value-based semantic for
> CompiledMethod>>#= and the one that's there is useful.  Defining what #=
> means for some value type is far easier than defining what it might mean
> for something as complex as a CompiledMethod.  The definition in
> Squeak/Pharo has been useful to me in implementing a closure-based system,
> so I'm unapologetic about the current definition.  It is a good one but it
> doesn't preclude defining others.
> An interesting response. You ignored the point that e.g. #hasSameEffectAs:
> provides greater clarity and add an argument against something I didn't
> say.
> I also don't think defining equality for a CompiledMethod is particularly
> difficult. If I were to recompile a method's source code, I would get a new
> instance of a CompiledMethod that would, in my opinion, be equal to the one
> already installed in the class (and perhaps cached in the VM's
> optimizations). So one would be able to say that we would not replace an
> existing CompiledMethod with an equal one. The current implementation of #=
> has no such characteristic, since it proclaims a CompiledMethod named #a to
> be equal to one named #z.
> @Richard
> That doesn't seem to be a good example for what your trying to say.
> Given...
> [1] SomeClass>>a "original instance"
> ^1
> [2] SomeClass>>a "recompiled instance"
> ^1
> [3] SomeClass>>z
> ^1
> ...you seem to be saying that its useful to know if [1]=[2],
> but imply that is invalidated by [2]=[3] ?
> But [1]=[2] remains true, and just as useful for your example.
> @Max
> I guess to call it a bug, you bumped into a different use case
> where [2]=[3] is problematic. Can you describe that?
> Well, not problematic. Once you accept that neither selector nor class are
> part of a CompiledMethod it is obvious that two instances with the same
> byte codes produce the same hash.
> The actual problem is more one of understanding and use. The following
> code answers a collection with the CompiledMethods Collection>>add:,
> Collection>>do: and Collection>>remove:ifAbsent:
> Collection methods select: #isAbstract.
> All three CompiledMethods are implemented as ‘^ self
> subclassResponsibility’, so they have the same byte codes. Now, if you take
> that collection and make a set out of it you’ll lose Collection>>do: since
> #do: and #add: produce the same hash, but #remove:ifAbsent: doesn’t because
> the number of arguments is calculated into the hash (actually the
> CompiledMethod header is).
> So, as long as you think of CompiledMethods as objects that have a name,
> it looks like a bug and in my opinion this behaviour is something that
> messes with the mind of newcomers. Just a (silly) idea: something like a
> CompiledMethodWrapper might solve the problem (at least from the user
> perspective; everything is slightly different from the VM perspective :) ),
> as it could hold on to the class and the selector independently of the
> actual CompiledMethod.
> In the end however, one doesn’t work with compiled methods a lot and the
> hash situation is unlikely to cause a lot of problems (people working with
> CompiledMethod usually know what they are doing).
> Cheers,
> Max
> cheers -ben
> The blue book say #= means "Answer whether the receiver and the argument
> represent the same component." The current implementation does so only for
> some, in my opinion, counter-intuitive definition of "same component".
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://forum.world.st/CompiledMethod-hash-can-produce-clashes-tp4784722p4784779.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Developers mailing list archive at
> Nabble.com.


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