> Why are you saying that. You can get halos on any morph, just halos do not
> show up when you do not want them.

I am saying because of my experience with halos , I have not seen anything
new added to them or improved the last 2 years I am using Pharo.

Did you ever look at the code of Halos? Halos are not defined per Morph but
> in a global tables. So we started to clean them.

No why would I need to looks at the code of halos ? I am its user not its
developer. It great you clean the code of Halos but what that means to me
as user ? Not much I am afraid.

  Do you think that spec is nothing in terms of dev. Give me 1/1000 of the
> ressources put on one of this project and we will have a real UIBuilder.
> Stef
Thats the problem I see many very good projects like Spec , PharoLauncher,
Pillar, AsmJit, Nativeboost , Athens ,  Opal and the list goes on and on.
But I see no interest in having a UIBuilder. Apparently GUI designers are
very important for most IDEs out there and judging from the developers
using them I would say also most developers but is not for Pharo. Why ?

You say you want the resources of 1/1000 do you really say that you need
more than 10 developers to make a UIBuilder ? Here examples of very small
development teams that have produced capable IDEs with GUI designers




and the list goes on... I dont think that any of them had more than 1 -2
and certainly they were not full time devs. Gambas alone is one developer
effort for the entire IDE, language, libraries, GUI designer etc etc.

Why such small development teams do dare to implement features that huge
IDEs do have ? Mainly because it usually comes down to small teams, take a
look at Visual Basic for example, I was reading its history recently and
found out that VB was no Microsoft invention (surprise - surprise) but
there was actually a very small company that create it as a product that
then they were hired from Microsoft. Delphi has a small development team as
well, actually it was single developer that leaded the effort and was
mainly responsible for its creation.

So add this to one of my ranting and one of my complains. I love spec , I
love nativeboost , I love Playground and new GT tools but none of these
will ever start to compete with the usefulness of having a GUI designer
when up to 50% of a modern GUI based apps code is creating and managing
that GUI.

The problem with Pharo's GUI designer is not that it sucks, its
undocumented , it severely lacks in features. But that it simple does not
exist. And without good GUI designer and an undocumented GUI API my remark
that on the GUI front Pharo is not in a good state is as honest as it can

On the other hand on other fronts, like web interfacing, databases, calling
c libraries , vector graphics, unicode , true type fonts,  JIT VM even 64
bit Pharo has made a lot more significant progress. So apparently Pharo
resources wise seems to do great. Actually I am impressed how fast it
progress forward , its amazing.

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