> On Dec 12, 2014, at 9:14 AM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> As input for designing new features that better support scripting in Pharo, 
> we would benefit from a bit more input around the role scripts play in your 
> development life. 
> To this end, I would like to invite you to share your scripting experience. 
> Here are some questions to start from, but feel free to diverge:
> - What kind of actions do you put in scripts?

Automation. Mostly devops and orchestration (so they make Jenkins life easier 
(not true but it keeps the CI jobs more maintainable))
Truth is that developers save time too

> - Do you rely on script files stored on the disk at all?

every day

> - Where do you store your scripts (in one folder, in many folders)?

depends on the project
In flow there are some scripts in some folders that creates a convenient syntax 
and we keep some of them in a hidden folder .hood

> - Do you version your scripts?

git does it for me

> - Do you store them in separate files with dedicated names, or tend to put 
> multiple snippets in one larger file?

I’m not considering snippets and scripts in the same category.
For snippets I use workspaces.
Typically I use a class with the name of the app and in its class side I put 
convenient methods. Some examples:

Airflowing start.   “starts all the services used inside the image"
Airflowing start.   “stops them"
Airflowing restart. “stops them, do 5 garbagecollects and starts"
Airflowing maintainer update executeOn: ‘databaseName’.  “executes the current 
update (a custom class with custom actions) on 1 particular database"
Airflowing maintainer update execute. "executes the current update in all 
There are others for many day-to-day things, including capturing monthly 

PetShop <https://github.com/flow-stack/petshop/tree/develop>’s backend uses 
that idea too
PetShop stop; reset; start.

PetShop <https://github.com/flow-stack/petshop/tree/develop>’s frontend is (is 
flow <https://github.com/flow-stack/flow>-based so we’re talking about Amber 
<http://amber-lang.net/>) using that idea too
PetShop start  “registers the app, publishes shared remote objects and 
instantiates the main controller)

Same for many other private projects

> - Do you rely on the names of the scripts?
Not only script names but also folder names. This is what makes the terminal to 
be more productive.

More airflowing examples:
$    <— you’re in the root of the project in dev
$ ./actions   <— type ‘a' and pres tab once and you get the actions folder, 
press tab again and it lists all of the things you can do, some of them are:
getDataToSpace getRelease pullDev freshDev getFlowingWorker getStagingImage 

when you do that, as you probably guessed, the script naming criteria becomes 
pretty close to method naming criteria

Another relaying of the names of the scripts is for keeping configuration out 
of the image as used by ConfigurationFiles 
It’s a very simple class that make a bunch of assumptions to allow you to have 
all the configuration files you want under conf/ directory

so you can inside the image do things like:

ConfigurationFiles at: #Zinc at: #port
ConfigurationFiles at: #MongoDB at: #databaseName
ConfigurationFiles at: #VNC at: #port
etc etc

And here is an example of how the VNC file looks like
$ cat {imageDir}/conf/VNC.conf

        "############ VNC accessor.
        Settings for the VNC server so headless images can provide an UI 
through VNC clients"
        Dictionary new
                at: #use put: true;
                at: #localOnly put: true;
                at: #port put: 5908;
                at: #interactivePassword put: ’secret';

> - Why do you use a script file and not a class?
As mentioned, I do use classes too. Mostly to do actions inside the worker 
Also to build images.
The next examples use the ./load or ./build or ./cleanBuild script to create 
the development setup of the respective projects
and to implement the image customization there is the {ProjectName}Builder 
class that those scripts file in to get that done. Here is Mapless example:

Here is same idea used for the flow’s backend:

BTW in flow’s root folder there is ./cleanBuild  to trigger building both, back 
and frontend:

here is how it cleans and triggers the build

the frontend’s concrete implementation:

Here is how it ./startAll  hides a multiplatform start

and here is the OS X implementation that opens one terminal per service started:

> Cheers,
> Doru
> -- 
> www.tudorgirba.com <http://www.tudorgirba.com/>
> "Every thing has its own flow"

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