Hi Ben,

Users are never guilty. Users are users :). That is why feedback is so

I certainly like your idea of having tutorials closer to the tools and the
context in which it is needed. The problem is that right now we miss a
concept in this area. I have some ideas, but they are raw. I would welcome
opinions in this direction. I know that Sean played with it, but I think it
did not mature yet. Sean?

Actually, I would be interested not necessarily in code but in sketches and
drawings (not code diagrams :)) of how tutorials could look like.


On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 5:30 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 8:18 PM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>> What I cannot quite grasp is that while we pride ourselves with working
>> on a reflective language, when we have reflective tools, we seem to not be
>> able to  take half an hour to build the tool that fits our needs. I am
>> still wondering what is needed to improve this. I think that it's a problem
>> of exercise or of communication, but it seems that just providing the
>> examples that I linked before is not enough and most people look at the
>> inspector still as a black box tool.
> I am guilty :)   I try now to think why this is and the word that seems
> most appropriate is "inertia".  By that I mean, at times previous I think
> you've published some tutorials, but I've had too many things on my plate
> to check it out - then when it comes to needing something, it takes time to
> find the tutorial, so I push on working aroud it.  Poor habit maybe.... but
> there you go :)
> Alternatively, sometimes I've done a tutorial a long time before I have an
> actual need for it, and by the time I need to use it, I've forgotten and
> can't find the reference.  The best time for a tutorial is when you need to
> use it.
> I wonder if there could be a button that linked to a ProfStef type
> tutorial that described how to customise it.  Perhaps a help button that
> flashes once in a new image - just to draw the eye to investigate it. Then
> at the time I want/need to do it, its there in the image, with the least
> friction to learning what I need to know at the time I need to do it.
> Now sorry I'm on a new computer for the xmas season and I'm having a
> problem getting PharoLauncher up an running** to check what I've said
> against what is currently shown on the tool.
> cheers -ben
> **see other thread.
> I will try to work on a tutorial to see if it gets better, but do you find
>> the moldability proposition not valuable or just unclear?


"Every thing has its own flow"

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