Who is dealing with CI? The queue is still growing and nothing seems to finish.


Jenkins  tells me there are only 4 jobs using any significant amount of space:
- FileTree-Pharo30-dev, 
- Fuel-Stable
- Fuel-Development
- PharoProjectCatalog2

The total is 43GB, so actually peanuts.

Jobs:43 GB, Builds:43 GB, Locked builds:10 GB, Workspace:21 GB
FileTree-Pharo30-dev    6 GB    6 GB    4 GB    196 MB
Fuel-Stable     6 GB    6 GB    251 MB  338 MB
Fuel-Development        5 GB    5 GB    363 MB  12 KB
PharoProjectCatalog2    5 GB    5 GB    449 MB  -
Fuel-Serialize-All      1 GB    1 GB    -       -
Versionner      710 MB  710 MB  494 MB  119 MB

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