
I am using a filetree repository for my project, also I have created a
first stable version  using the versioner tool.
Everything was working fine until I commited more changes, now when I want
to install the stable version is throwing an error saying that cannot
resolve the package that it needs, however if I load the development
version it works perfectly.

To clarify a little,

The development version tries to load
Phadeo-ImporterExporters-SebastianTleye.12 and it works perfectly. The
stable version tries to load Phadeo-ImporterExporters-SebastianTleye.10 and
it throws an error saying that it cannot be resolve.

Any Idea of what is happening?
I read that filetree and Metacello are compatibles so I don't know what's
the problem

Thanks in advance

Sebastián Tleye

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