Thanks Yuriy and Thierry,

I see what I can do, I was using Bitbucket until some time ago but now we
moved our project to a private git server!

2015-02-05 11:13 GMT+01:00 Thierry Goubier <>:

> Hi Sebastian,
> filetree only gives you access to the latest version of your packages, and
> you can't access the history without access to the underlying version
> control system you are using.
> This access for Metacello is available in two ways: via Metacello
> github:// and bitbucket:// urls and tags or branches (but you need to be
> using either github or bitbucket), or via GitFileTree if you are using git.
> Thierry
> 2015-02-05 11:03 GMT+01:00 Sebastian Tleye <>:
>> Hi,
>> I am using a filetree repository for my project, also I have created a
>> first stable version  using the versioner tool.
>> Everything was working fine until I commited more changes, now when I
>> want to install the stable version is throwing an error saying that cannot
>> resolve the package that it needs, however if I load the development
>> version it works perfectly.
>> To clarify a little,
>> The development version tries to load
>> Phadeo-ImporterExporters-SebastianTleye.12 and it works perfectly. The
>> stable version tries to load Phadeo-ImporterExporters-SebastianTleye.10 and
>> it throws an error saying that it cannot be resolve.
>> Any Idea of what is happening?
>> I read that filetree and Metacello are compatibles so I don't know what's
>> the problem
> Hi sebastian
>> Thanks in advance
>> Sebastián Tleye

Sebastián Tleye

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