The issue is still present 
 (4th validation report) and I have no clue to fix it.


> 5. 2. 2015 v 8:37, Sven Van Caekenberghe <>:
>> On 05 Feb 2015, at 12:08, Juraj Kubelka <> wrote:
>> Thank you,
>> I have tried it, and it works on my computer. It just tests:
>> -=-=-
>> testError
>>      self 
>>              should: [ self do: [ 1/0 ]]
>>              raise: ZeroDivide
>> -=-=-
>> And it likely cannot finish the job within 10 seconds. Can anyone try it on 
>> an Unix machine? Maybe it could be different, but I do not believe. Moreover 
>> I do not see any relation with 14865 issue changes and this failing test 
>> case.
> There is probably no relation. Maybe it will pass on the next build.
>> Thanks,
>> Juraj 
>>> 5. 2. 2015 v 5:08, Nicolai Hess <>:
>>> 2015-02-05 3:17 GMT+01:00 Juraj Kubelka <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> a validation report says that ImageWorkerTest>>#testError is failing but I 
>>> do not have that test in my Pharo image and I do not know how to download 
>>> it? Where is it come from? How can I execute it in my image?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Juraj
>>> You can use the issue tracker image:

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