> On 05 Feb 2015, at 18:28, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> Peter,
> Thanks for the feedback. (CC-ing the list)
>> On 05 Feb 2015, at 18:16, PBKResearch <pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk> wrote:
>> Sven
>> Thanks for your efforts. I have tried ZnUrl>>#withRelativeReference: on the
>> examples I gave in my e-mail of 11 Jan. Unfortunately it gives the same
>> incorrect result as ZnUrl>>#inContextOf: in the case where the relative
>> address begins with '//'. Admittedly this is a rather weird case, but RFC
>> 3986 does acknowledge its existence (see para 4.2) and it is dealt with
>> correctly by the old Url class>># combine:withRelative: (in fact there is
>> special coding for this case in HierarchicalUrl>>#
>> privateInitializeFromText:). (I am not sure whether the pseudo-code in RFC
>> 3986 sec 5 deals correctly with an initial '//'; it is not considered
>> explicitly, but I could not follow all the ramifications of the case with
>> initial '/'.)
> I would like to understand why you need it, it seems very weird to me, it was 
> one of the few cases that I decided not to implement:
> In ZnUrlTests>>#testReferenceResolution
>  " '//g' -> 'http://g'. " "we do not support relative network path references 
> (4.2)"
> In the RFC they say (page 26)
> << 
>   A relative reference that begins with two slash characters is termed
>   a network-path reference; such references are rarely used.

“rarely” is certainly not right today. Most of the social media / maps / blah 
services provide their scripts with relative references (to fight cross domain 
request problems I guess?).

> Could you please give a concrete example of how/why this is useful ?
> Thx,
> Sven
>> I feel rather guilty that you have gone to so much trouble because, thanks
>> to Monty, I now have two alternatives to the Blanchard parser (XMLHTMLParser
>> and Soup). I shall pretty certainly be using one or other of these in
>> future, in place of the Blanchard parser, because they provide more flexible
>> ways of interrogating the resulting DOM - and also because they are actively
>> maintained. So from my point of view there is now no need for you to pursue
>> this any further - unless you see this as a loose end to be tidied up.
> Not problem, I am trying to make it right.
>> Thanks again
>> Peter Kenny
>> PS I can't post to the Pharo Development List, so I left that out of the
>> addressee list.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Sven Van Caekenberghe [mailto:s...@stfx.eu] 
>> Sent: 05 February 2015 10:30
>> To: Pharo Development List
>> Cc: monty; pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk
>> Subject: ZnUrl>>#withRelativeReference:
>> Hi,
>> I added ZnUrl>>#withRelativeReference: which implements the process
>> described in section 5 of RFC 3986.
>> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/14855/Add-reference-resolution-to-ZnUrl
>> Summary:
>> In certain contexts (like links on a webpage) partial URLs are used that
>> must be interpreted relative to a base URL (like the URL of the webpage
>> itself).
>> Example:
>> 'http://www.site.com/static/html/home.html' asZnUrl
>>     withRelativeReference: '../js/menu.js'
>> => http://www.site.com/static/js/menu.js
>> This was previously not possible with ZnUrl. 
>> If you know this stuff, please have a look. 
>> Monty ? Peter ?
>> Sven
>> PS: this is in #bleedingEdge for now

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